"Who's the Guy With the Axe?"

 This particular story is short and to the point and not a whole lot of details are known. 

So here it is...

In 2014 a photographer known only as 'John' was tasked with taking photos of a U.S Navy Frigate that had been decommissioned and sent to a dry dock to be scrapped. 

Before any civilian workers could board the ship, the Navy first had to send its own workers to remove any sensitive information. When that was done, civilians could board to do their job. 

Because the ship was being scrapped, it no longer had power so 'John' had to rely on a flashlight to get around. 

When he was finally finished taking photographs of the entire ship, he emailed the photos to his boss. 

Almost immediately, 'John's' boss phoned him and asked "who's the guy with the axe?"

'John' was surprised and didn't know what his boss was talking about. He never saw anyone the whole time he was on the ship. 

When 'John' went back to look he saw what his boss was talking about and his blood ran cold. 

Because this was a Navy ship, the authorities had to be called in. But after combing through the entire ship leaving nothing over-looked, they found nothing. 

What is even more eerie about this, is that there was only one way on to the ship and one way out. And no one working at the dock yard saw anyone that looked like the man in the photograph enter or leave the ship. And since the ship was on dry dock, jumping off was not possible. 

This mystery of "who's the guy with the axe" as far as we know, has never been solved. 

Who was this guy with the axe? Was he a hobo, an intruder, or was he a ghost? 

No one knows


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