In 1927, Eben Byers sustained a shoulder injury on a train ride home to New York City. 

When he returned home, he made an appointment with his Physiotherapist who informed him nothing was broken, but, for the pain, he recommended a new drug that had come on the market called RadiThor. According to his Physiotherapist, this new Miracle Drug would not only help with his pain, but would also give him more energy to boot. 

Eben was sold!

It was expensive, but Byers was a Millionaire's son, so money was no object.

Eben was given a prescription by his doctor and he was given Specific instructions to ONLY take One Teaspoon ONCE A DAY of this RadiThor to help with his pain. When Byers took his first dose of this drug, he immediately felt better. The pain in his shoulder went away and he felt years younger and full of energy. 

After awhile, Eben started taking more of this drug, far past the specific amount he was supposed to take. He went from taking one teaspoon of RadiThor a day to Three bottles a day!

In a three year span, he ended up consuming around 1400 bottles of RadiThor.

All was going well until one day...his Jaw Fell Off.

The bottom section of his jaw literally seperated from the top section and the bottom jaw ended up having to be surgically removed. 

The culprit: RadiThor.

It turns out that what Eben was consuming was watered down Radium, which means that he was now suffering from radioactive poisoning. The radium had caused his bones to rot from the inside out.

By time Eben died in 1932, he was completely bed ridden and the radiation had started to eat through his skull, leaving holes that exposed parts of his brain. 

When he was buried, he had to be placed in a lead coffin and his radioactive levels were at at deathly levels. 

Thirty years after Byers died, scientists dug up his bones to test his current radioactive levels and discovered that the reading they received were the same as they were the day he died.

As it turns out, Radium has a HALF LIFE of 1600 years. Which means, that Eben's body will remain radioactive for over Three Thousand Years! 

WARNING: Below is a photograph of Eben after having his jaw surgically removed.



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